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*F#cking Fear of Missing Out Shit

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flat bread pizza recipe with arugula, prosciutto, figs, gorgonzola, carmelized onions
Good Pizza A$$
Masturbaker friends

Picture if you will...

Cuss Kitchen® began by accident in 2019, when friends gathered to unwind with cocktails and delicious homemade appetizers and desserts. Above the laughter, someone suggested that we have a test kitchen to share recipes. This was followed by the somewhat confused response, “What? We’re doing a Cuss Kitchen®??” As good friends with cocktails do, we rolled with it. Soon all the polite conversation turned a little…colorful, as we gave recipes racy new names, and shared hilariously inappropriate ideas for others – the Cuss Kitchen® Party was an instant success! This website is a collection of uniquely fun parties and playfully rude recipes that we’re excited to share. We invite you to join the fun! Use our recipes for your next celebration and submit a recipe to share your own brilliantly irreverent creations.  Don’t forget to include pictures of your party and your dish, so we can share the laughs and feature them on the site and social media. If we publish your recipe, you will be entered into our monthly draw for some very special merch.  Regular contributors have the chance to become part of the Masturbaker AF Club.  Masturbaker AFs receive exclusive merch to celebrate their elite status as Cussers extraordinaire.  So go ahead and show us your risque best – at Cuss Kitchen®, your shamelessly fun ideas are always welcome!
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Creating fun, flavorful recipes perfect for a girls night out, celebrating a divorce, engagement, bridal shower. Our audience is expanding rapidly, and we are looking to the future with continued growth as we add more branded merchandise and curated menus.  Even Fun costs money these days.

Cuss Kitchen® accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity.

Cuss Kitchen® - Not your grandmas recipes
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